Conversational words are common phrases or expressions that we use when we speak. These are the most important 17 basic Thai words to learn. In this lesson, I also encourage you to start small talks with local Thai people by asking simple wh-questions. Want to know more? Don’t miss this video!
- C O N T E N T -
00:33 Location
01:59 What is this?
02:51 Thai Minimal Pairs Challenge
03:00 Question Words
06:25 Sorry/Excuse Me
07:15 Welcome/ Don’t worry!
07:42 Thank you
Thai Minimal Pairs Challenge 1.0 (Game-Based Learning)
Minimal pairs are two similar sounding words that differ in only one phonological element. They are a great way to help you become more aware of pronunciation. In this challenge, we will challenge your ears with some common minimal pairs.
❤️ Start the challenge here! ▸